The receiver-enabled capability allows customers in the Philippines to direct an international or domestic Western Union money transfer into their UnionBank account by simply inputting Western Union ’ s unique Money Transfer Control Number ( MTCN ) and other identification details into the UnionBank app .
Ian Ocampo , President and CEO , PETNET , said : “ UnionBank is the first bank to introduce a fully digital Western Union remittance receiving experience and we are proud to be their partner . Customers want choice , speed and reliability and with Western Union we are glad to drive innovation and explore new opportunities serving the end-user .”
“ Our teams at UnionBank have worked hard to make digital and self-service banking accessible to millions of Filipinos especially amidst this pandemic where we have been able to service clients with little to no disruption ,” added Ana A . Delgado , Chief Digital Channels Officer and Chief Customer Experience Officer , UnionBank .
Later this year the company will extend its offering to enable customers to send money to their loved ones
Western Union ’ s inclusive omnichannel capability is uniquely positioned to build bridges connecting digitally advanced people with those in the world who are not yet online .
via the app , locally or worldwide , into billions of bank accounts and millions of mobile wallets and cards in approximately 125 countries or more than half a million representative locations in more than 200 countries and territories . Senders can fund their money transfers through their UnionBank accounts .
Western Union ’ s inclusive omnichannel capability is uniquely positioned to build bridges connecting digitally advanced people with those in the world who are not yet online . As part of its strategy , Western Union is increasingly partnering with local brands , accelerating money movement and providing reliable connections between individuals and their loved ones across the globe . p
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