Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 14 | Page 58

CASE STUDY together to have a data-driven discussion around how they can continuously improve technology and business outcomes for the organization .
Ben Allard , Vice-President and General Manager
APAC at Apptio
That involves a number of things – creating trust with transparency , making sure the portfolio is aligned to the business strategy and ensuring the company has the right mix in terms of investment and innovation .
So when a company is disrupted , the question is : where is the opportunity to use data to make decisions at speed ?
When you look at Apptio there are three core parts of our solution that cover the full technology portfolio across on-premise , cloud and agile / project-based investments .
Organizations can choose which solutions address their most pressing priorities and align with their maturity , enabling them to get started with TBM and progress over time .
Craig , how successful has your use of Apptio and TBM been ?
Wishart : I think the question for me is more how we measure and define success – evidence of ‘ trust building ’ is certainly a leading indicator .
Combined , these factors build trust and credibility for CIOs as they work with the business to help them run it . That ’ s a fundamental shift for the CIO and technology leadership role .
How can IT leaders use TBM to engage boards in a meaningful discussion about ensuring technology is delivering business value ?
We talk a lot about the changing role of what we think the CIO is – what I refer to as the new Ts and Cs . These have shifted and are now more about how trust and credibility is going to drive your influence and drive the authority that you have within the organization you support .
We centred trust around a couple of key words but one of them was ‘ transparency ’ – how transparent could we be with our technology costs ? And then from that , how could we take that transparency and turn that into insights that people could use to help shape their own business and control their own cost base ?
On that basis , I ’ d say we ’ ve demonstrated success . We ’ ve been able to take our budget and distil it down to a granular level using the TBM taxonomy , to a point that people can understand where their spend is .
I think that has become increasingly important in a cloud world where companies often experience bill shock because they simply don ’ t know what it costs to run a technology environment ‘ as-a-service ’.
Allard : The core component is the ability to capture the expected business value of a technology investment . That starts all the way back from the ideation of that investment , through to the actual delivery , and finally to support reporting on the ‘ actual ’ versus ‘ expected ’ benefits .
In that board-level discussion on the business value of technology investment , it ’ s critical to extend beyond just ROI metrics , and instead look at focusing on key areas – whether it be reduction in cyber-incidents , or increasing use of self-service products and services , for example – that translate technology costs in business terms . This is really that leap to enable a differentiated conversation with the board .
A perfect example of that is one of our customers , Saxo Bank , which justified its investment in Machine Learning based on the ability to accelerate onboarding customers to its trading platform . The result was an average onboarding journey being reduced from fixed days to less than one hour .
By leveraging Apptio Cloudability and TBM taxonomy , we ’ ve been able to show people not only the cost of the service , but help them understand how they can influence how that service is used to lessen their cost and ultimately manage profitability .
TBM helped Saxo Bank communicate the business impact of this technology investment and changed the conversation with the board from ‘ Why does technology cost so much ?’, to ‘ Where can we make additional investments to accelerate our strategy ?’
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