Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 15 | Page 82


In pursuit of carbon-neutrality : Building low carbon energysaving data centers

With the digital economy booming , data centers will play an important role in powering the digital enterprises of the future . And as all industries are actively engaged in implementing carbon neutrality goals , building greener and more energy efficient data centers is a major target for the data center industry . Sanjay Kumar Sainani , Global SVP and CTO for Data Center Business Unit of Huawei , highlights the importance Huawei places on continued innovation to help enterprises achieve carbon neutrality by building more energy efficient , low carbon data centers .

With the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic , the digital economy is bucking the wider trend and booming . By 2023 , it will account for an astonishing 62 % of global Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ), according to the International Data Corporation ( IDC ), one of the world ’ s leading market intelligence firms .

Clearly , the world is entering a new age , one where the digital economy plays the starring role . And with that , energy – the literal engine of the digital world – is now one of the key competitive factors for the digital economy ’ s success .
Which is also to say : accelerated transformation of energy infrastructure , as the world digitalizes , is inevitable , driving big changes for energy enterprises and the sector as a whole . Of course , energy conservation and emissions reductions – under the threat of irreversible climate change – are pressing global concerns .
With all industries actively engaged in implementing carbon neutrality goals , building greener and far more energy efficient data centers is a major target for the data center industry . Fortunately , this is an area that Huawei has already explored and made significant breakthroughs in .
Data centers are evolving , shifting focus to the additional value they add beyond simple storage . Accordingly , traditional construction models are changing , moving toward modularisation and prefabrication . And the arrival of Huawei FusionDC on the
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