Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 17 | Page 54

The platform also enables urban farms to connect additional IoT sensors with ease as they expand , allowing the farmer to retain centralized control of all devices and applications on the platform . In addition , through SPTel ’ s extensive network of secure hubs across the island , urban farms can leverage a ready IoT platform with island-wide reach for fast deployment across multiple sites .
We asked Phoebe Xie , Director and Co-founder , AbyFarm , further questions to find out more . solution to enable 24 / 7 unmanned operations such that our produce is left untouched from germination to ready for harvest and not having to care or subject to weather elements , birds , pests and other uncontrollable external factors .
This helps us achieve high quality produce at AbyFarm with 0 pesticide 0 herbicide and close to 0 environmental / pest risk . Rain or shine , AbyFarm will still be able to produce vegetables and fruits as we are in control of the environment .
Can you explain how the platform enhances modern food production processes , improves productivity and crop yields ?
Singapore poses a unique challenge due to the limitation in land resources . It is difficult for traditional farms to increase productivity per square meter of land . That is why we have gone into vertical farming with IoT and Green House Technology to be more productive per square meter of land to increase crop yield and revenue .
Through SPTel ’ s IoT-a-a-S platform we are able to connect up different IoT sensors to a common platform to collect and transmit data . With this ready device management platform , we are able to gain insights to program and automate our smart farming technologies to respond to certain readings and thresholds . By leveraging on IoT , AbyFarm now only requires one to two people to manage the farm as we can rely on technology to monitor and ensure optimal light , water , nutrients for the plants 24 / 7 for our farmers . This automates manual tasks and allows us to shift our focus to developing more strategic resources for effective management of smart farms .
By leveraging SPTel ’ s IoT-a-a-S platform , we are able to support our AbyFarm Greenhouse automation
Why is it necessary to manage end-toend IoT deployment ?
At AbyFarm , we harness the potential of innovative technology in solving the inefficiencies and limitations of agriculture farms in Singapore to contribute to the national goal of producing 30 % of our nutritional needs by 2030 . The core of Abyfarm is our smart IoT automated farm technology that allows us to build a commercial scale unmanned , smart self-regulating farm to table platform and produce beyond organics as we are completely pesticide free with a 365 days a year consistent yield , saving 90 % water as compared to a traditional land farm .
In order to do so , every day we deal with various sensors that analyze thousands of data points that impact plant growth , yield , taste and quality of our vegetables and fruits . These sensors need to be connected seamlessly to a platform to give us the right insights and data points of our produce , which we will then leverage to constantly improve the ways that we nurture our crops .
Having a partner that can help us deploy an end-to-end IoT management solution saves us the hassle of having to work with multiple parties . Whether it is setting up the gateway , device management platform or connectivity , we can just work with one party on all our needs .
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