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NEWS : Latest news round-up from across APAC |
19 |
LATEST INTELLIGENCE : The latest whitepapers from Lookout and AEM |
TRENDING : Finance firms need to check their cybersecurity posture
INFOGRAPHIC : LastPass research finds false sense of cybersecurity running rampant
PROJECT LATEST : Updates from Japan , Singapore , India and Taiwan
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EDITOR ’ S QUESTION : Although reports of the reduction of ransomware are encouraging , do
organizations need to guard against complacency ?
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TALKING BUSINESS : Emerging tech will power : The world in 2023 and beyond |
40 |
FEATURE : Churches of Christ in Queensland boosts network cybersecurity with Vectra |
44 |
CIO OPINION : How to build more resilient , modern organizations as Australia prepares for changes |
to cyber regulations |
Lynchpin Media and its publications look to maintain the highest standards in terms of quality of contents and images used . However , the current situation has led to some challenges with regards to photos and we apologise for any reduction in the quality of our products caused by this . |
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COUNTRY FOCUS : Edith Cowan University polishes digital learning experience with Boomi
FEATURE : Fiji transforms its legal system ; Macau is set for a smarter future and New South Wales streamlines
transport contracting
CASE STUDY : CSAP and New Zealand Rugby join forces to power Digital Transformation
CASE STUDY : Infor improves customer satisfaction , revenue and vendor selection for Camatic Seating
INDUSTRY WATCH : Big players get deals done to boost tech offers
TECH TALK : Account takeover fraud . . . . and how to avoid falling victim
GET TO KNOW : Craig Flatt , General Manager Sales Asia Pacific and Japan , Solo . io
FINAL WORD : Expert discusses key challenges facing data centers this year