Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 43 | Page 28


AI Companies raise almost $ 50B YTD – the second-highest figure in the market ’ s history

Latest analytics show the global AI industry has more than doubled in just three years to top a $ 240bn value and a quarter of a billion users worldwide .

The AI industry has shown impressive resilience to the VC funding drop seen in most sectors over 2023 . While other markets saw a significant downturn in fundraising , AI companies and startups have become the new ‘ shiny object ’ for investors , raising much more fresh capital than last year . drawn a lot of attention from VC investors who poured billions of dollars into AI companies and startups . Despite the overall VC funding slowdown , the strong fundraising activity continued this year , tuning 2023 into the second-best year for fundraising in the AI market ’ s history after 2021 .

According to data presented by AltIndex . com – which applies advanced alternative data analytics to investing – AI companies have raised nearly $ 50bn year-to-date , the second highest figure in the market ’ s history .
The second-best year for fundraising after 2021
The global AI industry has more than doubled in just three years , reaching a $ 240bn value and a quarter of a billion users worldwide . This impressive growth has
Impressive growth has drawn a lot of attention from VC investors who poured billions of dollars into AI companies and startups .
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