Welcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO APAC . This month we lead on the collaboration between digital asset management company Collaboro and Macquarie Cloud Services ( MCS ) to store and preserve the quality of media assets for some of Australia ’ s biggest brands .
Collaboro works with major government agencies and enterprise marketing teams providing unique Australian-engineered SaaS technology that solves the problem of centrally storing , managing , surfacing and sharing large scale digital media asset libraries .
Indonesian fintech startup KoinWorks has increased CSAT scores by 60 % leveraging the Freshworks platform to drive automation and analytics for omnichannel customer experience
KoinWorks has grown into the first credit-led Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSMEs ) neobank in Indonesia with more than 2.5 million users .
Naturally , the neobank has seen an explosion in customer queries , handling some 28,000 of them across multiple channels between 2021 to 2022 alone .
As Collaboro ’ s business grew , it needed alternatives to its previous public cloud solution as storage and egress / ingress costs started skyrocketing .
Read on p61 how KoinWorks turned to Freshdesk Omnichannel to raise customer satisfaction without compromising response time .
On p56 , Collaboro Founder and CEO Warwick Boulter talks us through where the partnership with MCS has taken the business since .
On p48 we report on the rise of the Vietnamese cloudbased IaaS market – that ResearchAndMarkets . com anticipates as growing at a high CAGR to 2028 .
Increasing efforts to digitize various sectors are identified as one of major factors promoting cloud computing utilization in Vietnam – with rising demand for cost-effective solutions seen as a significant factor in shaping the market landscape .
In Get to Know on p79 , Andrew Winlaw , Vice President and General Manager Australia and New Zealand , Amelia , shares his ‘ cutting edge ’ tip to sharpening mindfulness skills .
That ’ s just a sample of what ’ s inside .
Have an innovative month .
Make stuff happen .
Bill Tanner Editor
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO APAC 7