CIO OPINION in a certain direction and make technology decisions aligned to skills development , instead of what the organisation really needs to progress its data capabilities .
Similarly , individuals who have previous experience with certain technology stacks , ecosystems or methodologies may seek to prioritise their ideas or methods over what ’ s best for the project . While direct exposure or first-hand experience with a data technology can be invaluable , there are other factors that need to be considered as part of the decisionmaking . These individuals also need to remain open to other ideas and input and demonstrate that openness . Otherwise , it can cause other team members to disengage from the project , leading them to withhold their ideas and suggestions .
When team members prioritise their personal goals over the project ' s objectives , it can lead to conflicts of interest and a lack of focus on what ’ s truly important for the project . This misalignment can derail the project from its intended outcomes , particularly as decisions are made based on individual aspirations rather than project success .
Data projects are still projects
If a data project is going off the rails , it could also be because key tenets of project management are not receiving due focus , rather than due to anything specifically related to data , vendor tools or platforms .
Project management is its own specific discipline and skillset . It may be that there are too many people with a hand in managing the project , but that no single person exists to coordinate resources and ensure everyone is moving in the right direction .
Alternatively , there may be a single overarching project manager , but they are swamped or overwhelmed by the complexity of the program of work and could benefit from some additional support to bring the program back under control .
Rather than immediately pointing the finger at the technology , organisations with data projects that are veering off track should look internally first , focusing on recognizing and resolving issues with the human aspects of the project . p
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