Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 04 | Page 41

This brings challenges from a scaling point of view , but also from a customer experience perspective , as they expect the same experience and level of authentication across every platform . Outsourcing identity management to cloud CIAM vendors helps organizations initiate , capture , record and manage user identities and their access permissions , without having to keep an army of specialist engineers in house 24 / 7 .
This not only saves time and resources , but most crucially gives businesses an easier way to gather and use data to make smarter business decisions , alongside providing greater personalization for the content it provides individual users . To keep up with the pace of rapid transformation , along with technological and regulatory change and the security requirements that come with it , organizations need to get their cloud CIAM strategy right from the get-go .
A cloud CIAM strategy means that the development of Identity and Access Management solutions can be outsourced
Richard Marr , Regional Director , APAC , Auth0 www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO