Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 17 | Page 32



Recent times have seen an unprecedented change in how we work . If necessity is described as the ‘ mother of invention ’ the pandemic surely falls into this category .

With the rapid deployment of remote working the modern workplace was changed forever with employees needing to adjust to the new reality .
This often involved setting up home offices where work could comfortably and efficiently be carried out .
But these developments , along with different generational attitudes , have presented enterprises with a multitude of questions that urgently need answering .
These are aimed at ensuring productivity , not just in the home environment , but also for those employees who have ventured back into the traditional workplace : That ’ s why we ’ ve asked industry experts about the best ways to make the modern workplace as productive as possible .
Kat Warboys , Marketing Director , APAC at HubSpot , one of our contributors to this month ’ s Editor ’ s Question , offered this advice regarding health and wellness : “ Implement practices to actively ward off burnout and you will be rewarded tenfold in not just loyalty , but productivity , too . Access to wellbeing and health services is critical to this , so ensure your workforce has adequate services set up for when they need them most .
“ Every one of our 4,500 plus team members has access to personal coaching , therapy , digital courses , meditation and more through Modern Health , which is just one of the services we invest in to ensure the health and wellbeing of our staff .
“ This year , we also introduced HubSpot Unplugged , off the back of feedback around how employees were feeling during the pandemic . This initiative included taking a company-wide ‘ Global Week of Rest ’ in July , no internal meeting Fridays and adding more mental health and wellbeing programming .
“ Encouraging our teams to ‘ unplug ’ not only meant they came back to work refreshed , but it also connected us on a human level by acknowledging that , whatever level you are in a business , we all need a break to do our best work .”
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