Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 25 | Page 8


NSW department deploys EncompaaS for compliance and efficiency

in support of processes such as Government Information Public Access ( GIPA ) requests .
“ When we talk to government or the private sector , the issues are the same – they are struggling to keep up with today ’ s complex data and regulatory requirements , let alone deliver value to the business and its customers ,” said EncompaaS CEO Jesse Todd .
“ In contrast , DPE is taking control of its information with innovative technologies and turning its vision for transparency , compliance and efficiency into a reality .”

Australian enterprise compliance SaaS provider , EncompaaS , has announced that the NSW Department of Planning and Environment ( DPE ) has deployed the EncompaaS cloud platform to assist Machinery of Government changes and compliance with the State Records Act .

Deployment of EncompaaS follows a successful pilot which reduced the time taken for DPE ’ s legal team to locate documents
Over the coming years , DPE will transform its content management with EncompaaS . It will consolidate multiple records repositories , automate compliance and manage the majority of records in place within systems staff use every day , including Microsoft 365 .
In the next deployment phase , instead of DPE staff manually classifying documents and checking them into Content Manager , EncompaaS will automate the process . It will also automatically apply record keeping policies to file shares and M365 content , with zero impact on staff and the promise of operational savings for DPE .

KBank invests in technology to serve Thailand ’ s underbanked

KBank has announced a US $ 2.7 billion strategic program aimed at boosting access to banking services among Thailand ’ s unbanked and underbanked population .

The program includes accelerated investments in technology , technologyrelated acquisitions , commercial partnerships , organizational development , as well as adopting other technology-driven methods to boost access to banking services among a broader range of the public .
Kattiya Indaravijaya , Chief Executive Officer , KBank , said : “ We ’ re taking a bold step , and , through technological leadership , aim to transform banking in Thailand in ways that can help more people enter the banking system and benefit from banking products and services .
“ We ’ re already a bank that has the great strengths and reliability of a traditional bank serving a wide range of customers . What we ’ re now doing is to fuse on to that successful core the disruptive DNA of a ‘ challenger bank ’.”
Challenger banks have been a disruptive phenomenon in many countries ‘ challenging ’ legacy banks by using new technology to make banking products more accessible .
“ We have embarked on our strategic program to fully harness emerging technologies to conduct more complete evaluations of a customer ’ s ability and willingness to pay back a loan ,” added Indaravijaya .
During this and the next two years , KBank is investing around US $ 610 million in new technology and systems , in addition to US $ 350 million invested during the last two years .
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