Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 47 | Page 7


Welcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO

APAC . With this month ’ s cover we dig into how Australian open-pit solutions specialist MaxMine shortens mining performance analysis by 80 % with 8 million hours of operational data .
Tom Cawley , Executive Chair and Interim CEO , MaxMine , outlines the collaboration with Snowflake to help mine sites become more efficient , safer and environmentally sustainable as customers race to achieve net zero by 2050 .
Under the collaboration , Snowflake ’ s single , integrated platform will manage more than 25 Terabytes of MaxMine ’ s operational data from its mining clients , providing high-quality data and near real time analysis to help mining supervisors and operators , including those in remote locations , improve equipment lifespan , optimise their operations , make informed decisions faster and deliver operational changes in their sites .
Read how it works on p56
Freshworks recently surveyed 2,000 IT professionals and found that 86 % of their organizations were already using generative AI – with over half of these organizations actively encouraging AI use in the workplace .
AI as a silver bullet – especially where CIOs have a key role in maximizing AI tools by encouraging employees to experiment safely .
Undertaking a FinOps strategy can make a significant difference to the expenses associated with usage of cloud-based platforms and services .
On p36 , Rafi Katanasho , APAC Chief Technology Officer , Dynatrace , says that by taking the time to carefully plan the approach and obtaining buy-in from all teams , an organisation can expect to achieve sizable business benefits .
In Get to Know on p79 , David Irecki , Director of Solutions Consulting , APJ , Boomi , shares what time in tech has taught him since an IBM XT first tapped his interest .
Just a sample of what ’ s inside .
Have an innovative month .
Make stuff happen .
But in CIO Opinion on p44 , Sandie Overtveld , Senior Vice President for APJ , Middle East and Africa , Freshworks , says CIOs should steer clear of the idea of
Bill Tanner Editor
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