Intelligent CIO APAC Issue 47 | Page 8


ECI Software Solutions delivers machine monitoring solution for APAC region

ECI Software Solutions has announced the integration of its machine monitoring solution , Alora with the M1 enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) system is now available to users across the APAC region ( APAC ).

Alora , part of ECI ’ s product lineup , is a machine monitoring solution designed to maximise the utilisation of existing machinery and resources by connecting and analysing machine performance and ERP data in real-time .
Alora complements M1 by providing critical insights into machine performance , empowering manufacturers to implement operational improvements swiftly and make informed business decisions .
Duane Clement , ECI ’ s Alora business unit leader , said : “ Alora ’ s detailed monitoring tools also offer insights into machine downtime and its capacity to align employee labour hours with actual machine use plays a vital role in minimising unplanned stoppages and instituting fair , performance-based compensation strategies .
“ By integrating M1 ’ s comprehensive operational oversight with Alora ’ s precise machine performance analytics , manufacturers gain a powerful addition to their toolkit that enhances efficiency , reduces operational costs , and optimises productivity .”
These initiatives are part of ECI ’ s broader strategy to connect , protect and save with its cloud solutions , positioning itself as a trusted partner for more than 24,000 businesses globally .
The company ’ s commitment to providing end-to-end solutions built , maintained and enhanced according to industryspecific needs highlights its dedication to supporting businesses through technological advancements and strategic thought leadership .

Navan AI launches niia . ai , a generative AI-driven platform for the apparel and fashion industry

Singapore-based Navan AI has commercially launched its FashionTech platform niia . ai after a successful months-long trial run with a selection of fashion brands in Singapore and India . Using gen AI , niia . ai delivers significant time and cost savings to apparel designers , while complementing their creativity and enabling them to explore and experiment with various options .

A typical 10-step process from ideation to market that can take weeks can now be executed in half the number of steps , in a matter of hours .
With niia . ai , designers will be able to create design variations or entirely new designs by simply describing their ideas .
“ No longer do designers have to feel constrained by time and money to see their design ideas take shape ,” said Santosh Rout , Founder and CEO , Navan AI .
“ With our low-cost SaaS-model pricing , niia . ai is transformative and democratizes apparel design , empowering fashion designers to give flight to their creativity with speed , efficiency and cost-effectiveness .”
“ A couple of years ago , the Singapore Fashion Council had envisioned Singapore as a hub for the Asian fashion industry . The emphasis was on technological innovation and sustainability , thereby differentiating itself from other cities renowned as fashion centers .
The visualization feature lets them get a 360-degree view of the product , try out the design on AI-generated fashion models and generate photoshoot-quality images .
“ I am optimistic and confident that niia . ai can play an important role in placing Singapore on the global fashion design map .”
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